YouTube version. These titles are games I recently finished or played on Xbox Gamepass. Gears 5. In the 2nd half of 2020, I downloaded and played this latest Gears game months after its release. Having played Gears 1-3, I enjoyed the visceral feel those games provided. The gunplay, the exploding enemies, it's satisfying. Give me great alien, sci-fi-action, and I'm in. Destiny 2 became available in September 2020, and I started pouring hours into that game, putting Gears 5 down for a while. I never played Destiny but noticed my younger brother playing the first iteration back in 2014. Early last year, I had completed the Halo Master Chief Collection and wanted more Bungie goodness. After finishing a campaign or two in the looter shooter, I noticed that the game never ends, and I wanted to play a story from start to finish. Gears 5 was cinematic and, at times, intense. The first playthrough was challenging; the second was a great ti...