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My 2024 Gaming Year In Review.

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Nintendo, Xbox, Playstation, and Valve publish annual individual gamer statistics, similar to Spotify's year-end 'Wrapped' playlist. It presents which games are played and for how long—also activity by month. These are my numbers.

On Xbox, I played 35 hours and 40 games, 20 of those hours mainly on the cloud(using the Logitech G-Cloud). I earned 38 achievements and increased my Gamerscore by over 700 points. My most played games were Rollerdrome, Katana Zero, and The Callisto Protocol.   Rollerdrome gave me Tony Hawk Pro Skater vibes from back in the day. I remember spending hours on that game. Except in Rollerdrome, opponents are trying to end you and you in return. My busiest month was June.

Katana Zero.  All screenshots in this article I've taken during gameplay.

Moving on to the Playstation, I played 33 games for 31 hours—earning 36 trophies, mostly Bronze. March was my busiest month. My top three games were Spider-Man Miles Morales, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and Dredge. I purposely picked Miles Morales because I read it was short. I've already put 11 hours into that and still haven't finished it.   With the recent addition of cloud gaming on the  Playstation Portal, the hours spent on the PlayStation will likely increase this year.

Spider Man: Miles Morales. Miles and the Prowler chatting.  Looks incredible.

On the Nintendo Switch, I played six games for 25 hours. The Wild at Heart, Gorogoa, and Little Nightmares were my most played. April was my busiest month on the console. Wild at Heart was the only game I completed of all the titles mentioned in this article. It was especially significant because this independant game was the first game I rolled credits while streaming on Twitch. I mostly played on my commute home from work as the Switch is the lightest and most portable handhelds I own. Wild at Heart was also the game I used as a palette cleanser, a break from the violent fare I usually play. 

The Wild At Heart. I found this area closer to the end of the game.

Finally, we move on to the Steam Deck. I played the least here, and I hope to change that in the new year. Only three games were played and nine achievements unlocked. The three games were Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, Overcooked 2, and Left 4 Dead 2. September was my busiest month. Over the last few years, I enjoyed and completed Wolfenstein 1: The New Order and the spinoff The Old Blood. I'm excited to complete Wolfenstein 2, and it's been a great ride so far.   I mostly game with the Steam deck docked at home and on the TV as I find it big and heavy to carry around alongside all my other stuff. I tried playing my Steam games through their app on the Mac Mini but didn't have much luck with it all working correctly. I will try it again in 2025.

Wolfenstein: The New Colossus.  I loved the lighting in this particular area.

I tried having a five-game cycle, but I am not opposed to dabbling in other games, as there is so much great stuff to play. IOS/Apple Arcade does not publish the same annual numbers for players using their service. I hope they do in the future, as I will be doing more gaming there in the coming months. One's smartphone is the most accessible device for playing video games, and there are great experiences to be had there. I put several hours into Warbits this past year, an older war strategy game similar to Nintendo's Advance Wars. I also started playing Ridiculous Fishing again.

If you played on any of these platforms in 2024 for an extended period, go to those websites or Google year-end gaming stats for any of the companies mentioned above to get your numbers.

What was the game you most enjoyed in 2024? Let me know in the comments down below.  


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